

    In Medical University of Silesia in Katowice, in a School of Medicine, English division studies have been conducted for more than 20 years. In 2019 year, first English division learning cycle was finished by students of Faculty of Medical Sciences in Zabrze. University has a perennial campus with a reach history, with a friendly and kind atmosphere. University campus attracts students from around the world and gives opportunity to become independent and to get social maturity. There is a dormitory in the area near the Zabrze-Rokitnica Campus, very close to Medical Units and Departments in which, mostly first and second year students decide to live. Medical campus is not only studying, but also atmosphere and tradition characteristic for a south region of Poland called Śląsk. In about 30 km distance are localized the objects with great history – cultural units for example museums/coal mines (UNESCO), strictly connected with the history of coal and silver mining in Zabrze, Katowice, Tarnowskie Góry, cultural zone in Katowice, Giszowiec District, opera in Bytom. Katowice got title of the “City of Music” because of its’ huge number of cultural units connected with music. What is very characteristic in Śląsk is its’ good communication with the other regions of our country. It takes only 1,5 hour to get to Beskidy mountains, with enormous number of  great view places and hiking trails. It takes about 7 hours to change landscape and get by the Baltic Sea. Śląsk is also popular because it is most populated in Poland, and hence it is a mix of different nationalities, cultures, traditions and religions.


    Before 1971, the Faculty of Medical Sciences in Zabrze (formerly the Faculty of Medical Sciences) was the only faculty of the Medical University of Silesia (formerly Medical University of Silesia). Established in 1948 it consequently performed as the fundamental body of other schools.

    The origin of the School dates back to 1946 when the Citizens’ Committee for Preparation of the Silesian Social Academy of Medicine made its first attempt to establish such school in Upper Silesia. Discussions held with General Jerzy Ziętek – the Vice-voivode of Silesia, assumed education of personnel for the primary health care (provided on social insurance basis), treatment of occupational diseases and launching the preventive programmes. The scientific and teaching background was supposed to be Polish School of Medicine, University of Edinburgh, Scotland and the equipment was to be supplied by Paderewski Hospital, also from Edinburgh, and financed by Paderewski Testimonial Foundation.

    Future location would have been Rokitnica and Bytom while the organizational efforts were entrusted to Professor Antoni Tomasz Jurasz, MD PhD (1882-1961), founder of the School in Edinburgh. Soon after, in 1947, the project was cancelled. Changes of the political systems forced in Poland made the Foundation and Prof. Jurasz himself, withdraw from the challenge. Neither did the authorities approve of the idea, interested only in takeover of the equipment and promoting, instead of the Academy, establishment of an Institute providing specialist training programmes for the physicians.

    Nevertheless, by ordinance of the 20th March, 1948, the Council of Ministers established the Medical Academy in Bytom, acting as a graduate school with a Department of Medicine including within its structures the Division of Dentistry. The first dean wad Prof. Tadeusz Pawlikowski, MD PhD (1904-1985), a  the vice-dean – Prof. Mieczysław Jankowski MD PhD (1896 – 1978).



    The Faculty of Medical Sciences in Zabrze offers undergraduate programmes for English speaking students at the Denistry Program. The studies comprise 10 semesters and include theoretical, pre-clinical and clinical courses. The syllabus includes also a summer holiday internship. The programme has been designed to meet all the valid teaching standards. A student is awarded the professional title of a dentist.



    The Faculty of Medical Sciences in Zabrze offers programmes to polish and english speaking students at the Dentistry Program also polish speaking students at the Medical and Paramedics programme. In the academic year 2023/2024 the Faculty of Medical Sciences in Zabrze is attended by almost 2 470 students, including 1 597 students of medicine, 740 students of dentistry and 133 students of medical rescue.



    Until the academic year 2022/2023 the number of our School graduates reached 9 712 physicians,  6 966 dentists (English and Polish Division) and 506 paramedics.

    The faculties of medicine and dentistry have been accredited by Polish Accreditation Committee (Resolution No. 217/2023 of the 06.04.2023 and Resolution No. 1041/2023 of 23.11.2023)



    At present, the School comprises 57 Departments (clinical departments and wards) in Zabrze, Bytom, Katowice, Sosnowiec and Tarnowskie Góry, as well as the Department of Doctoral Studies, the Department of Foreign Languages.


    What makes our University unique is the practical form of didactic classes. Working with the patient starts at third year of studies, preceded by practical experience in medical simulation conditions. The great example of competitive for different academic units didactic base is a newly created Medical Simulation Center in Zabrze. Medical Simulation Center gives  students opportunity to get practical skills of their future profession, which is the most important aspect for foreign students.


    This center is equipped with modern equipment, phantom rooms with vision tracks for both the medical and dental faculty. The Medical Simulation Center in Zabrze gives students the opportunity to learn a profession in practice. The first „phantom patients” at the Medical Simulation Center begin their actual medical practice.

    Tempting for English-speaking students is very quick contact with a „real patient”. Compared to foreign centers, students of the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice start their practical classes very quickly, which is what they care about the most. This is a very big advantage for studying in Zabrze. Students gain practice by learning on the latest equipment with the use of modern technologies, both in dentistry and in general medicine.


    In addition, students have the opportunity to comprehensively diagnose and treat the patient, thanks to the classes introduced in the field of medicine and dentistry in the subject of „Integrated dentistry”. This subject allows you to look at the patient through the prism of all areas of dentistry and to choose the appropriate method of treatment, not just „moving” within one field of dentistry. Learning carried out in this way allows the future dentist to be prepared to work with the patient in a comprehensive manner.

    For many English-speaking students, studying at the Medical University of Silesia can be a great start to a further scientific career. Belonging to the Student Science Club is a great opportunity to gain scientific achievements. Any research and scientific work can be successfully published in English-language journals, and, moreover, can be presented at STN Conferences in English-language sessions, which are highly scored.



    Degree: MD

    Length of studies: 5 years (10 semesters)



    Human anatomy, Biology, Biophysics, Chemistry, Histology, cytology, embryology, Public health, Biochemistry, Microbiology and immunology, Human physiology, Pathology, Pathophysiology, Pharmacology



    Qualified first aid, Cancer prevention, Elements of gynecology and perinatology, Emergency medicine, Forensic medicine, Radiology, Anaesthesiology, Dermatology and venerology, General surgery, Infectious diseases, Internal medicine, Neurology, Oncology, Pediatrics, Clinical pharmacology, Ophtalmology, Otorhinolaryngology



    Conservative dentistry and endodontics, Preclinical conservative dentistry and endodontics, Dental prosthetics, Gnathophysiology, Maxillofacial surgery, Orthodontics, Dental prophylaxis in pediatric dentistry, Periodontology and oral mucosa diseases, Dental materials science, Oral surgery, Dental radiology, Oral pathology.




    1. Register and make an account on SUM’s platform.

    2. Follow the instructions and submit the application via the platform.

    3. Attach scanned documents to the application.

    4. Pay the application fee of 85 PLN.

    5. Once the application is submitted, you will be notified through the University’s online account or your email address regarding the status of the application.

    6. Once the University Admission Committee verifies your documents, you will be notified about further procedures.

    7. Upon completion of qualification procedure, candidate’s number will be added to the ranking list.

    8. NOTE: Candidates may be required to attend the entrance examination as specified in § 4 of Conditions and recruitment procedure for studies pursued in English at the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice in the academic year 2023/2024 (Terms and procedures of admission 2023-2024)

    9. Ranking list will be published on the website once the qualification procedure is completed for all candidates.

    10. Candidate is required to send/post the printed & signed application form with original or notarised copies of all required documents to the University’s mailing address before the start of the academic year 2023/2024 (before October 2, 2023).

    Candidates are required to apply through Electronic Application Form to which scan copies of the following documents must be attached:

      • original or notarized copy of high school diploma,
      • identification document (to be presented for verification),
      • scanned ID/passport photo (resolution: 300 DPI),
      • certificate documenting English language fluency level,
      • receipt of registration fee payment in the amount of 85 PLN (transferred to this account number),
      • health certificate confirming no objections to take up studies in respective fields – applies to candidates who were successfully admitted to the study program by the University Admission Committee,
      • Apostille – in case when the high school/college diploma was issued by an institution operating in the educational system of a Hague Convention Contracting country, as of October 5th, 1961, which waives the requirement of legalization of foreign government documents,
      • certificate issued by the Polish Superintendent of Education stating an approval of high school/college diploma – in case of documents not recognized in Poland by operation of law, issued in a country with which Republic of Poland did not sign a mutual educational. document recognition contract, or a document from a country with which Poland has the above-mentioned contract but the document is not covered in it, NOTE: this certificate is to be obtained only after arrival to Katowice.


    All documents must be issued in English language. If the original document is issued in another language, a sworn translation into English is required.


    Upon satisfactory verification of the Electronic Application Form candidate is required to submit printed and signed Application Form with original or notarized copies of all attached documents to the University mailing address, as per the automated e-mail message to be received from the University Admission Committee.

    In case candidate’s leaving certificate lacks required subject/ subjects or certificate is issued by other country than mentioned in Terms and procedures, candidate will be required to attempt an oral entrance exam in English language as per the date indicated in the Application Form.

    During the entrance exam candidate’s knowledge (on Polish high school level) will be evaluated in the following fields of study:

    • biology (mandatory)
    • chemistry or physics, as per candidate’s choice


    Entrance exam will be conducted using remote method through MS Teams platform. Make sure your computer settings allow your webcam, microphone, and speakers/headphones work on Teams application, In special cases, Examination Committee may conduct the exam at the University location.



    Final result obtained in the entrance exam is given in points and determines candidate’s position on the rank list.

    Each candidate can attempt the entrance exam only once during one admission process.


    In order to prepare for the entrance exam please review the following SYLLABUS.


    Candidates will be admitted to the English language medical program based on a ranking list. Points based on school leaving certificate or obtained in the entrance exam will determine candidate’s position in the ranking list. Ranking list will be announced on the website once the qualification procedure is completed for all candidates. IMPORTANT NOTE: please use your candidate number to monitor your position in the ranking list.